Hey, I’m back for another review! It’s the fourth one already, so I’m going to talk about one of my favorite musicals – Anna and the Apocalypse. (I had to look up how to spell that) This musical is about Zombies so I will be talking about that – and yeah people die. REMEMBER every one of these reviews have spoilers so I would watch the movie before you read this. Ok were gonna do it like always. Let’s get into it!! 🙂Â
Anna Shepard lives in Little Haven Scotland, and she wants to get as far away from it as possible. With her mom dead, living with her dad can be stressful sometimes with school too. And with breaking up with her boyfriend Nick. The musical starts off with her going to school, and they break into song a ton – which is great (I really like all the songs). About halfway through the movie then the zombies start coming, it never mentions why they come, but they do. The military even tries to stop them – but they become zombies too! This movie is made for laughs but is still supoosed to be scary. (I don’t think it is) Anna and her friends are trapped in the bowling alley – where Anna works, and they try to make it to the school where their family is. They do manage to escape while running into Nate along the way. Anna’s closest friend John help each other trough places and try to make sure everyone survives. Yeah, so Spoiler JoHn DiEs :(((((. (Gracie liked that he died and that’s not ok, she watched the movie with me). They make it to the school but, at the end of the movie, only three survive. Anna, Nate, and Steph.Â
This musical is for older age groups, it is Rated R. I really like this musical because it’s action-packed and gives relatable life lessons. In one song, it talks about technology and how we use it so much that when it’s gone, people get stressed and all they want is to communicate. It also proves that during tough times the real people show through and help you through anything. It’s really funny at times though, and the songs just make you wanna sing along. If your good with a little bit scary I would really recommend this musical to you!! I would watch this over and over again. So for this review, I give it 9/10!! OK ALSO – though people are jerks in the movie, everyone is at some point, and that doesn’t mean they deserve to die. (*cough* Gracie *cough*)Â Â
My favorite character is probably Nate, Anna comes second woops. I think he’s one of the least likable characters in the movie, so you really pay attention to why everyone dislikes him. He’s scared of relationships and his family life is kind of hard too. And when he has to kill his own dad because he’s a zombie, geez stuff gets hard. But he sticks through it and tries to save everyone he can. And that’s what I like about his character – his determination. The actor that plays him is, Ben Wiggins. (He’s on the right)Â
My favorite song is I will believe because it pulls the end of the musical together and really makes you feel.